Reality show for to be entrepreneurs

Updated on: Monday, December 14, 2009

The Entrepreneurship Cell [E-Cell] of IIT Bombay is conducting a reality show for budding entrepreneurs who have established their start-up and is giving them a unique opportunity to pitch their ideas to investors to receive funding from them.

This dynamic version of the conventional investor's pitch called the Vulture's Nest; is a competition starting from December 10 whose finals are to be hosted in the first week of February during E-Summit 2010, which is the networking event held by E-Cell, IIT Bombay.

As opposed to a conventional investor pitch, Vulture's Nest will be much more competitive and aggressive. The finals will have investors as well as the general public as the audience which will make the event much more happening as against a routine pitch.

These Entrepreneurs will get a chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of investors in 15 minutes. This is an excellent opportunity for start-ups who do not have access to large venture capitalists and private equity firms to gain capital and visibility. The contest will go on air on some television channels in January.

IIT-B is inviting submissions [in the form of presentations] from December 10 to January 4. Those selected will pitch their ideas at auditions in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai on January 16 and 17. The final round will have 10 candidates pitching to four investors, one of whom is US-based venture capitalist Taj Haslani. All 10 participants might get funding if the panellists like their pitches. This competition will actively help entrepreneurs as they will interact with investors and get a chance to directly get funds for their firms.

Details can be had from Pragya Maheshwari, Coordinator, The Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Bombay on 097692 53090 or on [email protected].

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