Significance of forensic science

Updated on: Monday, December 14, 2009

Coimbatore: Forensic science and medicine is a tool to make sure excellence in investigations to speed up logical conclusion in crime cases, said P. Sivanandi, Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore City on Saturday.

Speaking at the inauguration of the Continuing Medical Education in Forensic Science and Medicine jointly organised by the Coimbatore Medical College and the Department of Police for the police officers, legal advisors to the police department and medical college students of the CMC and PSG.

The Programme was lit up with the participation of V. Kumaran, Dean of CMCH, P. Sivaprakasam, Resident Medical Officer, Dr. Edwin Joe, HoD of Forensic Medicine and Dr.Sanjeevi.

Mr.Sivanandi said that forensic science and medicine is not a latest evolution and was in practice even in 3000 BC and there are evidences in literature and referred to Silappathigaram.

Medical Professionals and Police officers should join hands and strengthen the functioning of this segment so that the judiciary could dispense criminal justice swiftly.

Police officers should assist the doctors in explaining the case history and see whether it corroborates with the conclusions, he said.

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