USQ inks MoU with CGI

Updated on: Friday, December 11, 2009

Bhubaneswar: A team headed by the Vice-Chancellor and President Prof William Lovegrove of the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) of Australia was recently on a visit to Orissa to negotiate a tie-up with the Centurion Group of Institutes.

USQ is also looking for ways in which it can partner with the state of Orissa.
USQ, one of Australias premier regional universities, has already established itself with world class centres of research excellence, learning and teaching programmes.
Prof Lovegrove said that USQs focus on rural and regional education issues aligns well with those of the Centurion Group, which has a reputation for building quality education and generating economic development in regional Orissa through Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management (JITM) and Centurion School of Rural Enterprise Management (CSREM). The Vice-Chancellors visit follows several visits to USQ by members of the CGI leadership team earlier this year.
Chairman of the Centurion Group Prof Mukti Mishra said, “We are looking forward to a joint offer of degrees both at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the areas of engineering and management. This will open up an array of opportunities for the student fraternity particularly at the international level.â€

It is hoped that CGI will soon become part of USQs extensive overseas education programme, which includes higher education institutions in Fiji, Singapore, Russia, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Mauritius, the United States of America, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China and New Zealand. Many of these partners have already expressed interest in sending students to Orissa to further their education.

The Vice-Chancellor is accompanied by his Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Partnerships and Dean of the Faculty of Business, Professor Allan Layton. During the visit we are hoping to investigate a number of areas where we can build closer teaching and research relationships and deliver high quality educational opportunities for our students, Prof Layton said. “The opportunity for Australian students to experience the cultural and education diversity that India offers through this partnership will also be increased, he added.

Under the partnership, CGI students will have the chance to study for Australian or joint USQ/CGI qualifications in Orissa. It is also expected to lead to joint research projects and CGI academics will have the chance to undertake professional development programs provided by USQ, which has an international reputation in higher education teaching methodologies. 

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