Swiss Institution proposes a tie-up with DTU

Updated on: Monday, December 07, 2009

New Delhi: Dr Enrico Staderini, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Dr Laurence Larghi, HoD, Engineering programmes, both from School of Business and Engineering Vaud (Heigh-VD), Switzerland visited the campus of Delhi Technological University (DTU) in the Capital. During their visit to DTU, Dr Staderini and Dr Larghi met the Vice Chancellor of DTU, Prof PB Sharma along with Prof RK Sinha, Dean, Industrial Research and Development, DTU, Prof GL Verma, Dean, Academics, DTU, Prof RC Sharma, Dean, International Affairs, DTU and Prof A Bhattacharyya, HoD, Electronics and Communication Engineering, DTU among other senior faculty members and officers of the University.

Prof Sharma made a presentation to the delegates on DTU and its thrust areas of research and development, which was followed by a presentation on Heigh-VD by Dr Larghi, who informed that the Board of Higher Education of the State of Vaud is making special efforts to create international networking opportunities for students and professors and their visit was a part of that endeavour.

During the course of interaction, Dr Larghi proposed collaborating on short-term students exchange programme under the name of 'Summer University', where 40 students including Indian students from DTU, Swiss and US students would undertake a programme together for four weeks, one year at Heigh-VD, Switzerland and in the consecutive year at DTU, India. Select number of faculty members will also be a part of this exchange programme and will get an opportunity to teach at the partner institution. Both the institutions have mutually offered to provide free boarding and lodging facilities to the visiting students and faculty, under this programme. The course content to be taught as a part of this programme will be jointly decided by both the institutions. Prof Sharma further suggested to invite eminent persons from the related industry for interacting with the students selected for the Summer University programme. Educational tours and cultural activities will moreover, be the part of this programme.

Both the institutions have identified six areas of common interest for further academic collaboration and research partnerships, which include: biotechnology, including bio-medical engineering, bio-sensors and bio-informatics; new, smart and intelligent sensors; software engineering and informatics; innovative automobile solutions; business engineering; and clean energy technologies. Both the institutions have agreed to identify key persons within their own set-up, in the above-mentioned six areas, to carry out further collaborative arrangements at an earliest possible.

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