India's young scientists honoured at Intel IRIS 2009

Updated on: Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Ahmedabad: IRIS (Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science) was held in Ahmedabad on November 26, 27, 28, 2009. This platform allowed students to display their scientific aptitude, discover unique scientific solutions to everyday problems and win public recognition and awards at national and international levels. The national winners of IRIS 2009 will represent India in the Intel International Science and Engineering fair (ISEF),  the world's largest pre-college science competition to be held in USA in 2010.

This three day science fair, which promotes innovation with students in science and technology, had 82 projects vying for the coveted awards from the 1100 entries that the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) of IRIS received from schools across India. The three categories of awards this year at IRIS were Special Awards, Best of Category Awards and National Fair Awards.

Commenting on the success of IRIS 2009, Praveen Vishakantaiah, President, Intel India said, 'We are pleased with the success IRIS had this year. Intel believes that these young, innovative minds will drive our country in the future. IRIS is a unique platform in India to provide stimulation and encouragement to young scientists in the making. Intel is proud to be involved in this exciting educational programme.'

Chief Guest, Ranganath Navalgund, Director of Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organisation, Ahmedabad, commented, 'I am delighted with the quality of  these projects; they show that these young innovative minds have the ability to drive our country in the future course of time and reach newer heights in the field of science and research.'      

IRIS is the collaborative initiative of 'Intel Science Talent Discovery Fair (ISTDF), the Indian chapter of the worlds largest Science Talent Discovery initiative: and Department of Science & Technology (DST) - CIIs 'Steer the Big Idea'. There are two categories of participants eligible for participation this year. The first category involves students in 5th to 8th standard (under the age of 13 yrs) and the second category involves 9th to 12th standard students (under the age of 20 yrs).

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