Doctorate award to 'Dinamalar' Publisher

Updated on: Thursday, April 09, 2009

Kovai: The Bharathiyaar Varsity conferred Doctrate award to'Dinamalar'Publisher R.Lakshmipathy.

The 24th convocation function held today at Bharathiyaar University coimbatore , Dinamalar Publisher R.Lakshmipathy  including four members bestowed honourary  doctrate  award by Governor, Surjit singh Burnala.

The Bharathiyar University celebrated 24th convocation function in its institution premises at  Dr. Metha hall. Governor, Surjit singh Burnala presided as chief guest and delivered degrees to graduates.

Dr. Veeramani, Periyar Maniammai Instutution, Tanjore, delivered convocational address.

The expert in Publishing sector of India  ‘Dinamalar’ publisher R.Lakshmipathy, Literature proficient Poet- R.Vairamuthu, Industrialist T.R. Dinakaran, Defense Research and Development organization (DRDO), Chief Controller, V.Selvamurthy were conferred Doctorate award.

In the convocation function, degrees awarded to 347 candidates in Phd , one person for  D.Lit, and one for D.Sc. Gold medal prized for  top 100 graduates in the institution.

The Bharathiyar institutions affiliated college students nearly 47,359 received their degrees. In this 2,730 students received M.Phil and 15,796 received Post graduation degree, 26,016 received undergraduate degree.

Further more, in engineering 31 graduates, In commerce 41, in education department 10, Science department 132, Sociology 52,in arts 81 graduates received their degrees.


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