Common syllabus won't be mandatory

Updated on: Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Kolkata: The Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE) has proposed a common course for all national and regional boards.

'There is a long-standing view among students that the CBSE course is better suited for entrance exams. It was felt that other than helping remove this impression, a common syllabus will lead to better assessment and ensure a level playing field for entrance exam candidates across India. If all the boards agree, the first common syllabus exam could be taken in 2012,' said Jerry Arathoon, officiating chief executive, ICSE.

It will not be mandatory for schools to accept the syllabus. However, a majority of the boards whose representatives were present at the meeting in Lucknow last week, agreed to adopt the common course. Regional boards, too, have agreed in principle.

On the move to bring about uniformity in syllabus across states, Arathoon said:'We must have a look at the syllabus first to see if it suits us. The idea has our endorsement and we believe this is a good move.'

A common syllabus, some felt, would serve no purpose. 'I believe the CBSE syllabus is comprehensive enough and there is no need to adopt a new course.

'If other boards like ICSE feel they have some deficiency, they can borrow ideas from us or other boards,' said Mukta Nain, principal of Birla High School, Kolkata.

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