Less Indian students coming to US for graduate studies

Updated on: Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Washington: Indian students,one of the largest overseas contributors to graduate programmes in the US, have declined in enrollment.

According to figures by Council of Graduate Schools(CGS), applications from India and South Korea for graduate studies dropped by nine and seven per cent respectively while the overall rate of overseas students declined by four per cent.
However, applications from China for the fall 2009 session have grown by 16 per cent, the CGS said in its latest report.

India, along with China and South Korea send the most graduate students to US every year. The drop in applications for graduate studies from these two countries is not a positive sign, it said.

'As growth in international applications slows for the third consecutive year, with absolute declines from India and South Korea, we must be concerned about what we will see in the future,' said CGS President Debra W Stewart.
The overall rate of increase for international graduate applications slowed for the third year in a row, to four per cent, following increases of six per cent last year, nine per cent in 2007, and 12 per cent in 2006.


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