For a career in theatre

Updated on: Monday, November 09, 2009

Nataka-Karnataka Rangayana, the only State-run theatre repertory of national repute, which has taken up the tough task of combining creativity with pedagogy, is all set to commence a one-year Certificate Course in Theatre this year and a three-year degree course from the next academic year.

The two-decade-old theatre repertory will conduct the courses in association with Karnataka State Open University (KSOU). The aim is to train those interested in theatre and making a career out of it. The “academic stamp” bestowed on the courses by a reputed university will serve to remove the apprehension among students with an inclination for theatre art about their future and strengthen their claim to work in various emerging visual media.

Bharatiya Ranga Shikshana Kendra (BRSK), a wing of Rangayana, which was started by Prasanna, when he was heading the theatre repertory, has been imparting vocational training in theatre to teachers, social activists, amateur theatre persons and students from 2001-02.

BRSK has been issuing certificates to its students till date. To make the course more meaningful and to get official status to the training, it has been decided to affiliate the course with KSOU, and BRSK will be renamed Karnataka Ranga Shale (KRS), says Secretary, Department of Kannada and Culture, Jayaramaraje Urs. “It is an attempt to strengthen BRSK and provide an official stamp to the theatre course being conducted.”

Speaking to The Hindu Education Plus, Mr. Urs said that the certificate course was conceptualised after a series of discussions with members of Rangasamaja, the governing body of Rangayana.

The intake would be only 15 and selected students would be given accommodation during the first year. From the second year, they have to make their own arrangement. The students should be in the age group of 20-30.

An expert committee comprising theatre personalities was formed to draft the syllabus. KSOU would present the syllabus before the academic council and seek approval. “In all probability the course will commence by December and the process of inviting applications will start soon,” Mr. Urs said.

Services of those who served Rangayana for more than 15 years would be utilised to train the students. Artistes of Rangayana will chip in. “The certificate course envisaged by Rangayana is totally different from what Ninasam of Heggodu and Theatre School in Sanehalli are offering,” he said.
Affiliation panel

Rangayana is also preparing itself to commence a three-year degree course in theatre in association with KSOU, on the lines of National School of Drama in New Delhi. An affiliation committee formulated by KSOU under the chairmanship of former Director of Rangayana, C. Basavalingaiah, to study the infrastructure available at Rangayana to run the degree course, met in Mysore recently.

According to Mr. Basavalingaiah, the degree course was conceptualised when Chidambara Rao Jambe was the Director of Rangayana. After Mr. Jambe demitted office, K.T. Chikkanna, Joint Director, Department of Kannada and Culture, pursued the issue with KSOU.

Mr. Basavalingaiah said that the committee would be submitting its report soon and formation of a syllabus committee and appointment of the principal would follow. In all likelihood, the course will begin the next academic year. “Rangayana has sought permission to start degree course from 2010-11,” he said.

According to the Deputy Director, Department of Kannada and Culture, Nirmala Mathpathi, students who complete the certificate course can join the second year of the degree course directly in case they wanted to continue theatre education further. Both certificate and degree courses will come under the purview of Director of Rangayana, who will be vested with the entire responsibility of conducting the course andholding examinations. The responsibility of KSOU ends at issuing certificates.

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