Schoolboys movie to premiere at Gorky Sadan

Updated on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Kolkata: Path Geche Beke, a movie directed by a teenage filmmaker when he was a student of South Point School, will premiere at Gorky Sadan on Tuesday.
Sangbit Samaddar, the filmmaker, is now a fresher at Ashutosh College. The film deals with the subconscious mind of an adolescent boy, and how he deals with the crisis of his awakening sexuality.
The main character is played by Arindra Roychowdhury, now a class VIII South Pointer. Sangbit’s classmate — Subhrojit Majumdar, now in Jadavpur University — acts as the grown-up protagonist. And a young love interest is portrayed by Rituja Bakshi, who has just passed out of Carmel Convent.
The film was shot at South Point during summer vacation. “A large part of the setting had to be the school corridors, classrooms and even toilets. We did not have cash to hire locations. Thankfully, we were allowed to use the campus,” Sangbit said. The budget — Rs 30,000 — was met from their own pockets.
Krishna Damani, South Point spokesperson, said: “We are proud of Sangbit. We always want our students to pursue individual dreams.” Most of his schoolteachers will watch the premier on Tuesday. Sangbit’s earlier film — Isolation, about an AIDS patient — had received acclaim at the Kolkata International Film Festival last year.
“He was the youngest filmmaker at KIFF last year. This made us proud and we encouraged him to make this second film,” said school vice-principal Rupa Sanyal Bhattacharya.

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