India has become an important global player

Updated on: Monday, October 26, 2009

Can you elaborate on the India strategy?

The strategy reflects Norway’s increased focus on India. One of the new instruments is an India research programme in the Norwegian Research Council. We want to forge multiple and close links between institutions of research and higher education in India and Norway.

Norway is keen to pursue a knowledge-based policy towards India. We have established an India Forum in Norway in order to further strengthen collaboration between the public and the private sector, academia, NGOs and cultural actors.

What is the rationale behind it?

With its strong economic growth over the last 20 years, the dynamic development of its political system, and the world’s second largest population, India has become an increasingly important global player. Co-operation between Norway and India is in a dynamic phase. It has changed from traditional development assistance, which started in the 1950s to today’s modern political dialogue, institutional co-operation, commercial engagement and catalytic efforts in selected areas of societal development.

What are the focus areas?

The main objectives include further strengthening of co-operation on societal issues and research between Norway and India. The ministry of education and research has a strong focus on the higher education and research co-operation through the follow-up of the Science and Technology Agreement between India and Norway (from 2006) and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Co-operation in the Field of Education between India and Norway (from 2008). We have recently had meetings with our Indian counterparts under the two agreements. These discussions make a good basis for future higher education and research co-operation between the two countries.

Will there be any exchange programmes for Indian and Norwegian scholars?

The strategy introduces a programme to be administered by the Research Council of Norway, to promote research co-operation between India and Norway in certain priority areas. This programme will provide additional resource, help to ensure stability and a long-term approach, and also provide incentives for co-operation on regional challenges in South Asia. The strategy will also facilitate exchange of students and researchers.


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