The path to success

Updated on: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Over the years many have documented the road to success. Those who happen to tumble upon these documents like articles and books and imbibe those required characteristics would definitely succeed in life.

Success means different things to things people. But in general, success means being technically competent. One should know what one is doing; be a resource person/expert. It also means going up the ladder to the summit. In the process, earn a good na me and associated perks linked to higher positions.

Every parent, rich or poor, wish their child to succeed in life. But, only a properly guided youngster can make it to the top.
The initial stages

•So, you have joined an organisation. Every day matters. Learn your job thoroughly. Learn every day/every week. Knowledge is power, and it adds depth to thinking. Be smart—smart in dress, smart in appearance, smart in behaviour.

•Be energetic and enthusiastic.

•You have to develop your personality. Be positive and optimistic. You have to develop these mental attitudes by reading, looking at role models, deciding consciously in taking a positive view, having a clear mind.
Developing the career

•You have to develop skills on the job. Apply your knowledge. Do your job with utmost competence, to perfection.

•Always beat the deadline. An executive works on goal time and not on clock time. You have to plan to beat the deadline.

•Never postpone, procrastinate. Catch up with your reading during travel, while waiting in a clinic or in a railway station. Read a few books on time management.

•Keep good health and healthy habits. Good health and a good mind are essentials for succeeding in life. Eat reasonably so that you don’t bloat.

•Character and integrity are important. No compromises. Honesty is the best policy.
Enriching your personality

•Apart from knowledge of the profession, you should develop yourself into a total, clear personality. Read ’self-development’ books.

•Read, read, read. Read newspapers, magazines, novels, war books, history, geography, political systems, economics, read anything. The more ideas that go in, the more ideas you will get in dealing with life/job.

•Develop leadership qualities. Read biographies of great leaders. Read books on leadership. Develop your own style of leadership.
Into a higher orbit

•At senior levels, people will accept you based on your professional competence. If you are professionally competent and innovative in your ideas, many doors open. Innovation and taking initiatives are very important. Take initiative to do what others have not done.

•Take credit only when ‘you’ have done it. Give credit to others if it belongs to them.

•Come out with innovative ideas, innovative solutions.

•’Networking’ takes you further.

•At the same time, have the courage to say ’no’ when required, to anybody including those in the ’network’.

•Hard work, diligence, sharp mind, sound knowledge, a well-developed personality, initiative and innovative ideas/solutions, time management, leadership qualities, good communication skills are some of the pre-requisites for success in a commercial career. These cannot be developed in a day. It is to be evolved as the career starts and progresses.

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