Google Science Fair : Odisha Girl wins Award

Updated on: Friday, September 25, 2015

gfrIndia's Lalita Prasida has bagged an award at the Google Science Fair in the the 'Google Community Impact' sub category. The 13-year-old from Odisha was nominated in the Community Impact category which is for projects that make a difference in the innovator's community by addressing environmental, health and resource management issues.

Lalita, who is a Class 9 student in Delhi Public School, Damanjodi presented a project on a 'Low-cost bio absorbent', which aimed at cleaning through a simple and cost-effective way. She has developed a water purifier that works using waste corn cobs, which has won her an award of USD 10,000.

Google Science Fair gives away a grand prize of USD 50,000 in scholarship. The Google Science Fair competition received entries in 15 languages; there were 90 regional and 20 global finalists short listed.

Lalita said that, "I am really excited to have won the Google Community Impact Award both for my school and for my country as this will boost my insights and give me an opportunity to work further for solving local problems." The scholarship also gets her a year-long mentorship from the Scientific American to further help develop her project.

A Google spokesperson said, "Young people such as Lalita can and have made significant contributions to solving some of today's greatest challenges. Through the Google Science Fair, we want to support and foster the next generation of scientists and engineers."

The Google Science Fair is an online competition which has been sponsored by companies like Google, CERN, Lego, National Geographic and the Scientific American. The Google Science fair was started in 2011 and is primarily meant for children between the age of 13 and 18. 

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