Pitroda submits reports for reforms in higher and elementary education

Updated on: Thursday, October 08, 2009

New Delhi: IT czar Sam Pitroda has been appointed as the Advisor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Infrastructure, Innovation and Information.

68-year-old Pitroda, who was appointed to the new post yesterday, will have the rank of a Cabinet Minister.

Pitroda, who is also the Chairman of the high-profile National Knowledge Commission, will advise Singh on integrating information communication technology (ICT) in the sectors of infrastructure, health, justice and information.

"I was appointed yesterday. We look at organising integration of national knowledge network and broad band connectivity for better service delivery to the citizens," Pitroda said.

He said he would work for the promotion of ICT in all social sectors and in infrastructure. "We will develop an action plan for the next decade which will be a decade for innovation and infrastructure," he said.

Pitroda's appointment is the second high-profile appointment made by the Prime Minister after roping in former Infosys co-chairman Nandan Nilekani to head the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI).

As head of the National Knowledge Commission, Pitroda had submitted a series of reports for reforms in higher education, elementary education, health, agriculture, traditional medicine and ICT.

Government is considering most of his recommendations.

As recommended by NKC, the government has also started an innovative project, a National Knowledge Network, for giving broadband connectivity to about 100 science laboratories and research institutions.

Pitroda is also widely considered to have played a major role in India's communications revolution.

He came to limelight in 1987 when he became late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi's advisor in shaping India's foreign and domestic telecommunications policies.

Pitroda is credited for the telecommunications revolution in India and specifically, the Public Call Offices (PCO) that quickly brought cheap and easy domestic and international public telephones across the country.

He was awarded the Padma Bhushan this year for his contribution to Science and Engineering. He is also a recipient of the Rajiv Gandhi "Global Indian" award.

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