IIT Kharagpur starts Project on merging Arts with Science

Updated on: Thursday, September 10, 2015

iitIn an attempt to combine science with heritage, IIT Kharagpur has started a new project in which various themes of fine arts, meditation and social work had been merged with science to find out that the analytical mind and intuitive mind are compliment with each other. The focus is on to develop link between science and heritage and how the economic regeneration can take place through 16 themes.

MHRD is sponsoring this project as it is an inter-institutional and people centric approach, said Prof Joy Sen of IIT Kharagpur architecture department, a key official of this project who wish to explore the possibility of how to improve the right brain for a person whose left brain is more developed. "As left brain development means better aptitude for science, so with right brain development he can lead a more balanced life." Moreover, the areas of researches in this project include meditation and how the brain is affected with it and how it helps in the healing.

Prof Sen of IIT Kharagpur said that the left brain development means one is more analytical and logical while those with right brain developed are more creative and has holistic thinking and can visualise better. So, this study aims to bring the brain development more towards the middle path, so that one can go for meditation. He added that all psycho-somatic diseases along with life style diseases are interlinked with brain development and all these are parts of the research.

"IIT Kharagpur director Partha P Chakraborti is heading this project as it is a scientific approach to network and designing of heritage interfaces aiming to recognize our heritage through science," Prof Sen said. This project was started a year ago and it will take over year to be completed. "In the meanwhile to create awareness about the on going developments a pictorial exhibition is going to be held at ICCR from September 11, to make the students aware," said Prof Sen of IIT Kharagpur.

This project brings together researchers from diverse fields -- signal engineers extracting melodies and notations from recorded music, computer scientists studying formal language theoretic interpretations of ragas and how they are rendered, machine learning experts who are looking for hidden features that characterize the stylistic aspects of rendering a raga, communication researchers and psychologists who are exploring the relation between language, music and cognition." said Prof Sen of IIT Kharagpur.

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