IIT Gandhinagar to Organise Workshop on Stone Beads

Updated on: Wednesday, August 12, 2015

IITIn an attempt to train students and researchers on how to study and analyze the stone beads which has gained a reputation of being one of the important markers in understanding India's past contacts Archaeological Sciences Centre of IIT-Gandhinagar has organized a "Short Term Course cum Workshop on History, Science and Technology of Stone Beads". Nearly 80 participants from all over the world are taking part in the five-day long workshop coordinated by IIT-Gandhinagar.

IIT-Gandhinagar faculty Prof Alok Kumar Kanungo, is coordinating the workshop. He said " This short term course and workshop is to discuss the development of stone beads through the ages, literature/epigraphical references with the help of the best available scientist and scholars.

Apart from the students, faculty and researchers from across the country, the workshop conducted by IIT-Gandhinagar was also attended by over 20 participants from 8 different countries including countries such as Srilanka,Bangladesh England, Italy, USA,,Thailand ,Iran, Nepal . The event also had six crafts men who will work on stone beads to explain or show the techniques they use.

During the five days of the workshop conceived by IIT-Gandhinagar eminent speakers will speak on different topics including, "Indian stone Ornaments Industries and Maritime Silk Road Cultural Exchanges". The workshop organised by IIT-Gandhinagar also includes a field visit to Lothal and Khambat as well as practical experience of working on stone beads for the participants. 

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