New UK Education policy for Indian students

Updated on: Friday, July 17, 2015

uk educationThe United Kingdom, in order to stop issues of Indian students using universities as a ploy to gain British visa, is likely to withdraw the option of working for the Non European (EU) students. To be applicable August onwards, this law will prevent the overseas students to work professionally while pursuing their studies in the country.

The students who belong to the Non-European countries and indian students come to study at publicly-funded Further Education (FE) colleges in UK will lose the right to work for up to 10 hours a week, as told by UK immigration minister James Brokenshire to agencies. The universities have also designed a method to grab fraudulent colleges admitting foreign students.

What could come as a huge shock to the Indian students, the UK authorities will also not permit them to apply for visas after completion of their course. As a further serious measure adopted indian students , the term of the Indian student visas issued for FE colleges has also been cut from three to a maximum of two years after which they will have to leave the country.

FE colleges are academic institutes in UK which include vocational colleges for students in the UK and which do not fall within the domain of a full-fledged university. Meanwhile, owing to UK's strict visa policy, other competitor countries are benefitting as they offer more lucrative deals when it comes to pursue higher studies. The UK's present post-study work policy is unable to cater adequately to the needs of employers and affects the education sector adversely. This has resulted in the country losing out on the revenue it can earn from foreign students.

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