Indian Students Beat China in Going Abroad for Studies

Updated on: Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Indian Students Mobility Report 2015: Latest Trends from India and globally", states, India has beaten China in terms of growth rate in the number of students studying in foreign countries. The report has been issued by New Delhi-based MM Advisory. The results can be checked from the link:

In 2014, more than 300,000 Indian students gone abroad for further studies as did more than 650,000 students from China. Although the number of students going abroad are more in China, India has shown a 10 percent increase as compared to China's 8 percent. The Indian Students head to United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to pursue their studies. These five major English-speaking countries account for almost 85 percent of the total people going abroad to study.

"After a slump of almost five years, India's growth rate outpaces China for the first time. This growth trend will continue for the next few years and India will become an important point of interest for universities looking at expanding their reach to the country.
While the US continues to be the top destination, UK has seen a drop in Indian students this year compared to previous years," said Maria Mathai, Director, MM Advisory Services, as reported by TOI.

Australia and Canada are popular study destinations for students because they can stay in the country for one year after completing the course and get work permit, say education consultants.

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