Grade for colleges

Updated on: Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The news from Mumbai says that a system to accredit individual programmes by colleges and universities is organized by Human Resource Development Ministry. This will help the students to get more information about colleges and universities to make their choices.

Funding will be provided by Rashtriya Vechatar Shiksha Abhiyan, a National Higher Secondary Education mission to organize this grading process.

The individual courses in the college and universities will also be graded by this process accreditation means, accreditation for college alone is not the case, but the respective courses. The National Assessment and Accreditation council has been grading colleges and universities since 1994. The accreditation is valid for 5 years. The Human Resource Development Ministry wants every programmed to be accreditation. Along with colleges and Universities under in this mandatory process. It is suggested by the officers of NAAL that all universities in the country should be certified by them and colleges assessed by state level accreditation agencies.


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