A note to students of History

Updated on: Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When we visit any museum, a common exhibit is thecla footwear used by ancient man, our ancestor. The students, immediately gone to the peak of surprise by seeing its size, are it possible to imagine a man with that dimension of a foot!

Recently, the foot print of our ancestors who ruled probably 8 lacs of years ago was found in Norborgue in England. In Happesberg sea side. This is the first time, in this place, the evidence for the existence of human race is found. This is the foot print of the human race existed in North Europe. So for, the evidences of animal bones and stone weapons were found here according to the news report of The Hindu, the news originated from London.

According to the historical evidences today’s England could have joined with European continent, and it was spilited by sea in between. The present evidences clearly illustrates that, the inhabitants of England would have changed their living to European continent.

This important historical land mark-research clearly identified the foot prints of 2 males, 2 females, 3 or 4 children. This became visible purely because the sea has gone back. These prints are being recorded by using 3 dimensional images by the museum department of Britain.

Auston the researcher of Britain Museum expresses his surprise and said these foot prints belong to Homo Anstrer race, who lived 8 lacs of years ago. This race perished around 6 lacs of years ago itself. This race existed in the transformation period during conversion process of man from monkeys probably process of man from monkeys. Probably this race lived around 12 lacs of years ago. The height of these mankind, 5.5 feet to 6 feet,wheighing 90 kg of course, similar to us, but still, the size of their brain is little small. According to human physiology, the size of our brain is 1350 cc while that of homo aster it is 1000 to 1150 cc. and they were left handed habited people. They used to sign of languages. Researchers compared these people with Hydel Berjencis.

The homo Anster lived in association and with co-existence with animals in the forest river banks.

It is surprise to visualize that this human race co-existed with animals like horses, elephants, deer, bisons, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus and rats. There are evidences of bone of mega elephants called mammoth and that of horses. They satisfied their hunger from animal meat by hunting them with wooden sticks and stone-weapons. They had vegetarian food habits also.

These kinds of evidences were visualized outside Africa in Tanzania Luthuli and they are ancient and 35 lacs years ago. The evidence got coopi perah of Kenya were that of 15 lacs of years.

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