RTE Act in CBSE Schools in Coimbatore

Updated on: Friday, September 13, 2013

While taking in to account the 81 schools affiliated to the central board of Secondary schools in Tamil Nadu, this year, even a single student from “Weaker Section “has been admitted. There is literally against Right to Education Act.

It is analysed, that the fifth of the 390 CBSE schools in Tamil Nadu have been denied admissions to poor students.  But in fact as per law 25% of seats are reserved for them.

Regarding the state schools only 128 of the 390 schools have responded to question, filed under RTE Act.  The data given by RTE Act revealed  that of the 3055 seats reserved for poor students in these 128 schools, only 762 seats were filled and this is just 25% of the total seats.

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