Schools in Tamil Nadu parents too should have Dress code

Updated on: Friday, September 13, 2013

“Dress culture, is important to children” becomes an important aspect under discussion now for the students, of course, the most of the schools stipulate with the uniform Dress code.  Regarding the school students concerned, maintaining the Dignified dress code becomes the fundamental responsibility of the parents and society.  If at all, it is parents who provide the dress whatever the children wants.  But, insisting dress code for the college students becomes the order of the day.

Now it is the time, the school bothers about the dress discipline of the parents who accompany their children.  Many schools in Chennai seems to be unhappy on witnessing parents coming in unacceptable dress, male parent with lungies and mother parent with Nighties.  While they drop on pick up their wards.  Of course, it may not be possible to make it a rule or strict instruction as such.  It would be an unwritten or both sides agreed norm, that is school and parents.  It is obvious in the cities, the elderly persons room in the streets with trouser4s which they claim as fashion or convenience.

Schools are generally requesting the parents to come to schools with in formal dress as much as possible when they accompany their wards. Unless, we elders, maintain certain dress ethic, how is it possible to organize own children in this regard. Which is dress code? What to be and not to be is a question under debate.  Fee school authorities say that dhothies are alright for male but not lungies, and at the same way the school did not like the mother parent to come with Nighties while accompanying children.

Now, it is the expectations of many school to expect the parents to come in school with a descent dress.

While lungies and sleeveless banian in common in schools it is shorts and a T – Shirt in the unban areas. Few parents claim that it is not possible to maintain their all these things in the morning amidst their fight schedule.  Many parents accept the concept of maintaining informal dress.


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