Country's first degree course in countering terrorism

Updated on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The two-year PG course in Counter Terrorism and Peace Management starts on October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at the Sarhad Research Centre in Pune.

Sumaya Rafiq Zargar, 23, grew up in Srinagar under the shadow of militancy but does not want her next generation to live in fear. She is in a batch of 18 students who have enrolled for the country's first degree course in countering terrorism.

An initiative of Pune based NGO Sarhad that works in insurgency-battered Jammu and Kashmir. Sarhad runs a chain of colleges, including technical institutions. This course will be run by Sarhad Research Centre for Counter-terrorism and Peace Management. They have applied for recognition of the course by the University Grants Commission.
'I have seen terrorism from close quarters. My uncle died after being tortured by terrorists. I don't want my next generation to grow up under the same fear and pain,' Sumaya, a media professional, said.


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