Online Math contest

Updated on: Thursday, September 05, 2013

For the first time in India, the RI Maths challenge 2013 an online Maths contest is planned to be contested.  The mission is carried by The Hindu in school in association with Hey Math and Raffles Institution, Singapore.  The test is conducted for the states Andra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.  The very aim of this exam is to develop interest in Mathematics and to develop problem solving abilities.  The topics for the examination are problem solving, decision making, analytical and critical thinking skills.  The important topics covered will be geometry, calculation, counting, arithmetic and investigative problems.

The registration is free and the contest is open to students of schools that subscribe to The Hindu In School and the test is for VII, VIII & IX.

The qualifying round will be an online test of 60 minutes duration.  The top 50 students who qualify will have to take a 60 minute written test in Chennai.  The prizes may be apple iPod, Apple iPod Mini, Android tablets etc.  the time  for registration is given till September 30.  Further information is available in

Email: rajkumar.durairaj@the

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