Lunar Shastra - IIT Tech's aim for moon

Updated on: Thursday, September 05, 2013

Shastra – 2014 is a mission for moon is an IIT – Madras Tech fest.  This tech fest focuses towards Lunar Mission Team Indus – the sole group form India among the 22 participants in Google Lunar X Prize (GLXP) is organizing a Lunar Rover (Robot) championship at IIT – M.    

The winner of GLXP which is an International event will get a reward of $30 million. Privateloy funded teams have to send a Robotic craft to the moon for a trvel of 500 metres and transmit images, videos and tweets before Dec 31, 2015.  This contest was announced in 2007 and the registration got closed by the end of 2010.  So for, 11 team dropped out.  Now, the team Indus is ready with its concept and the initial desigtn.  Team Indus is trying to get the help from Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to fly the rover.  The team is now working with 5 ISRO scientist.  Mr. Rahul Narayan, the team leader is anxiously waiting for some sponsors for the project.  To take part in Lunar Shastra, the students can log on  (or)

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