Help govt's education efforts, Sibal asks Catholic clergy

Updated on: Monday, September 28, 2009

New Delhi: Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal today asked the Catholic clergy to help the government in shaping the three pillars of education - "expansion, inclusion and excellence".

Inaugurating the five-day triennial national assembly of the Conference of Religious India (CRI) here in which more than 550 major superiors of about 360 Catholic religious orders are participating, Sibal said there was still a lot to be done for people's education.

He said children who are talented in other areas, like music, should be given opportunity to grow in these fields.

"There should be courses in many areas which allow the talent of the child to flourish," Sibal said.

He thanked the nuns for rendering "yeoman services" in the field of education, particularly for the poor and the marginalised. Sibal also highlighted the main features of the Right to Education act which parliament passed in August.

The CRI represents more than 125,000 Catholic priests and nuns in India

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