State level Talent Exam

Updated on: Thursday, September 05, 2013

 State level Talent Exam

Department of Education of Government of Tamil Nadu here by announced a State level and National level talent Examination for the students of X standard.

According to the Director, the questions will be framed based on IX and X standard following CBSE curriculum.  The questions will be from Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Mathematics, History, Geography, Political Science and Commerce.

The examinations will be  conducted in three parts 256 boy and girl students given as scholarship to these students. The students should apply through respective schools. The required information will be available from the offered web site from 4th September to 16th September 2013.  The examination fee will be Rs.50/. The school authorities should submit the filled forms on or before 23rd (5.30 pm) to the District Education office.

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