Great Lakes Institute of Management holds the Second annual ?Karma-Yoga Convention at its Chennai campus

Updated on: Thursday, August 29, 2013

Great Lakes Institute of Management, a premier B-School in the country, held the Second annual ‘Karma-Yoga Convention’ at its Platinum Rated LEED-certified campus in Chennai.

The convention hosted distinguished leaders from NGOs, the industry, government administration and beneficiaries from more than 21 villages from around Great Lakes in Kanchipuram District of Tamil Nadu.

Providing an opportunity to discuss various developmental issues in four parallel sessions focusing on Agriculture, Education and Health, the meet provided a platform to the participating villagers to share and discuss ideas and network with people of common interests. The villagers got a chance to directly reach out to prospective collaborators and support groups.

The convention hosted a workshop for Self-Help Groups on "Developing Entrepreneurial Aptitude".

Villagers and leaders' discused on the thematic areas like Agriculture - Means to turn agriculture into a more viable profession; Education - Making education fun & enjoyable for children; Health - Access to both conventional as well as alternative medicine.

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