GU forms a four-member committee to find a solution to the repeated failure of 700-odd students of engineering

Updated on: Monday, August 12, 2013

Poor performance of 700-odd students of engineering who have repeatedly failed in their exams has become a headache for the Gujarat University (GU). The university has now formed a four-member committee to find a solution to the problems created by these students.

The GU officials said that the issue stems from the fact that all the 11 engineering colleges affiliated with the GU are now part of the Gujarat Technological University (GTU) which was formed in 2007-2008. Though GTU sets the semester-wise papers and conduct exams, it is technically not responsible for those students who had failed in 2006 - prior to the formation of GTU. Conducting exams for these students is the responsibility of the GU.

The officials said that they are 700-odd students who had received ATKTs in their exams prior to 2007 and have been failing in their exams conducted by the GU. M N Patel, principal of LD College of Engineering and member of the committee appointed by the GU said, "The question is that how many more times do we have to conduct the test for the students who just don't seem to clear the exams. Many of them have been given over ten chances to clear the exam but don't seem ever prepared."

GU officials said that they have gone to the extent of deciding that students who make a decent attempt to answer the question paper should be passed. "But most of these students write poetry and stories instead of engineering questions," said an exasperated GU official.

The committee will decide the course of action to resolve the administrative crisis posed by these 700 students.

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