Govt mull over maladministration in AIIMS

Updated on: Monday, September 28, 2009

New Delhi: Noting on AIIMS doctors leaving the premier hospital for private institutes over alleged maladministration, the CAT has asked the authorities to look into it.

Referring to media reports which claimed that a number of high-ranking faculty members are resigning out of frustration, the CAT (Central Administrative Tribunal) said 'If the news reports are true, what shall happen to a prestigious medical institution of national importance? Would it remain so? The authorities must ponder over it.'

The tribunal passed the observation while pulling up the institute for giving service extension to a senior doctor and head of AIIMS's CTVS department beyond the retirement age of  62 years 'out of sheer favouritism' and depriving the chance of promotion to a deserving candidate.

It said such favouritism would 'bring about a complete demoralisation in the entire rank and file, besides, causing total frustration to those who might be waiting in wings for years together to reach higher echelons of service, which is the legitimate expectation of every individual'.

The CAT set aside the order of service extension given to A Sampath Kumar, who superannuated on April 30, 2008 from the post of Head of Department of CTVS department on attaining the age of 62 years.

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