Faculties of IIT - M to be given free time to do Research

Updated on: Thursday, August 01, 2013

 Teachers who involve in research long time to involve themselves in Research Projects.  The increased work load of faculty members prevent them from spending time in researcher.  They must be freed from their routine.  Many suggestion were given by teachers. The numbr of courses that faculty members take should be divided among two or more teachers. An expert panal is involved in resolving this issue. Some departments have already adopted models to focus more on research.

IIT-M finds that a faculty member spends a minimum of 6 hours in a class room a week and handles 3 courses each semester.  Every faculty members has 5 research scholars to guide.  But they do not find time because of burden of routine and administrative responsibilities.

Inauguration of Sports Hospital

R. Ashwin, the cricket player inaugurated, South India’s first exclusive specialty hospital for Arthroscopy - key Hole Surgery, Sports Medicine and Joint cure.

He also launched a free scheme called “Fit for free” for upcoming young sports persons who are either injured or can not afford to pay.


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