An analysis in Higher Educaiton

Updated on: Thursday, August 01, 2013

Discrimination in income status among students is a major factor in the centres of higher education in Indian and United States.  Another factor is the discrimination against students from marginalized communities.  The articles published in Hindu, authored by Amruta Byatnal and Divya Trivedhi provides a deep analysis in these subject.

To find a solution for the above a research is taken by University of Massachusetts, Amherst and the University of Pune.

 The research is meant for finding experiences of exclusion in Higher Secondary by various systems and methods.  The focus is given to identity the issues of disadvantaged group.

 Many students from varied backgrounds beginning the process of learning is a new phenomenon. This should not be associated with education quality.  But, it is not so.  It is unfortunately associated with deterioration of quality.  The study will analyses this issue.

 United states and India are involved in this research. Special focus has to be given the area of higher education.  In us the subject is for migrants and minorities. In India this means people from rural areas, tribals, 1st  generation English learners and even women. The similarities and differences would be analysed in this.

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