Ph.D's prefer Teaching

Updated on: Wednesday, July 31, 2013

  Ph.D’s  prefer Teaching

A study reveals that out of 600 candidates who completed their Ph.D at IIT-M for the past 5 years, 40% joined some private companies, 10% opted some national labs like CSIR and 25% preferred teaching jobs with private engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu and the remaining continue their post doctoral studies.

Based on the recommendation of the Anil Kakokav committee of HRD ministry in 2011, the Institute hopes to interest 400 students in pursuing a doctorate every year. To initiate this, the institute is offering under graduate B.Tech students a direct integrated Ph.D.  the Kakodkar committee also suggested that IITs admit teachers from other institutes for Ph.D.  actually with over 3000 engineering Institution in India, it must be possible for the IIT’s to admit 2500 such teachers to its Ph.D programs every year.

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