Verdict for NEET

Updated on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013

 Verdict for NEET

The verdict for NEET provided mixed responces.  It is claear that NEET was questioned  by  Supreme Court. By this the rights of State Government in medical admissions are protected.  At the same time it opened the gate for private colleges who are collections enormous capitation fee.  It is possible for the private colleges to meet many using this opportunity.

Doctors conglomerate DASE (Doctors Association for Social Equality) welcomed the apex court’s mode but stated that of 366 Medical colleges in the country, 190 and add colleges are private and deemed universities which collect capitation fee and do not consider merits.  It is possible for them to proceed without any hurdle.

Dr. G.R.Ravindranath the general secretary for DASE, welcomed the verdict for protected the right of the state government.  In medical admission, when can conduct entance test on their own for admission to state medical Institution.

In Tamil Nadu, students do not have Entrance Test for MBBS.

The court has questioned NEET and not the test conducted for All India quota.

The centre has to review petition to bring admission done under private management.  All India and Armed Forces quota.

The test should not be Eligibility Test but a common Entrance Test (CET) as stated by a senior Doctor.

If there is organized, the interesting candidates has to take only two entrance tells, one conducted by the state and other by the centre.  This prevents students from unnecessary mental, physical and financial burden.

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