Foreign Varsities

Updated on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013

 Foreign Varsities

It seem, it is difficult to pass the Foreign Educational Institution Regulations of Entry and operation bill by the UPA.

The president of Carnegic Mellon University Dr. Subra Suresh says that with the lack of growth of infrastructure in India, no foreign university would like to set up their campus.

Dr.Subra Suresh received honorary Doctorate from IIT-M director prof Bhaskar Ramamurthy in the IIT’s 50th convocation.  It is specific to mention here Dr. Subra Suresh is an alumnus of the institute. He said that even though India is in the path of economic growth in the last 20 years, infrastructure didn’t grow. So, according to his it is difficult to set up composes by foreign universities in India. He reformed that both the university identified robotics and energy research as one of the critical are for collaboration.  IIT-M’s contribution to knowledge to society was appreciated very much. Now the people are forced to protect privacy and intellectual property due to improvement of cyber space.

According to Prof.Bhaskar Ramamurthi, that IIT-M has 7533 students.

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