Right to Education Act

Updated on: Monday, July 22, 2013

 Right to Education Act

Whether RTE goes in the right direction is under decide now Ministry of Human Resource Development decided in March not to re nominate representatives (RTE) from states to National Counsel for protections of Child Rights (NCPCR).

The right to Education Act, apart from other step, stipulate, implementation of 25% reservation for weather and disadvantaged section of children at the entry level in non-aided schools. As per the norms the representatives are expected to be invited for the advisory and planning commission, they could walk to any school and enquire on the RTE  status. Implementation and report those institutions that had failed to comply with the provisions of the act.  At this juncture, it is view that Government schools were more co-operative privately managed schools thought as nuisance because the act was not being implemented by them. Corporal punishment and sexual abuse is another area.  It seems the RTE implementation in state is average. Tamil Nadu Rules – 2011 prohibits corporal punishment and collection of capitation fee. The rules also provide for seven action against teachers found guilty of sexual abuse of student.

The findings of the Annual status of Education Reports (ASER) sample based household survey conducted annually from 2005 show the India is close to achieving Universal enrolment. Regarding Tamil Nadu concerned, a long way to go with. In Tamil Nadu the total number of children between 6 – 14 years of age not enrolled in school at 0.6 % in 2012. Between 11-14 years of age, it was 1.2% for boys and 0.9% for girls.

While the government still has a long way to go on the issue like drop outs and infrastructure the non- aided school use the loop holes and deviations in the act.

They can reject parents application for admission of their words under RTE in the presence of a govt school with in district of one Km. the unrecognized schools claim that the affiliation papers are still pending in the directorate.

Lack of prompt reimbursement by the state government is a major hurdle in this issue according to correspondent of private schools.

Which are RTE Commandments:

By March 31, the Local Authority and the Appropriate Govt shall ensure that there is a school in every neighborhood.  Every school must fulfill the norms and standards specified in the schedule of the act.

The Norms :

1)    Pupil Teacher Ratio norms (These vary will school type, whether primary or upper primary and the no of children.

2)    All weather budding.

3)    At least one class room for every teacher

4)    Barrier free access

5)    Office-cum store room cum Head Teachers room

6)    Separate toilets for boys & girls

7)    Safe and adequate drinking water facility for all children

8)    Arrangement for securing the school building by boundary wall or fencing

9)    Kitchen shed where mid day meal is cooked in the school

10) Library providing news paper, magazines and books on all subjects including storing books.

11) Teaching learning equipment to be provided for every class as required.

12) Play materials, games and sports equipment to be provided to every class as required.

13) While is not necessary to have a play ground within the school premises, schools must have provide alternate arrangements in nearby parks for children to play out door games and other physical activities.


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