Arunachal Pradesh minister expresses hope of achieving 90 percent literacy soon

Updated on: Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arunachal Pradesh education minister Bosiram Saram has expressed the hope that the state will soon achieve 90 per cent literacy rate to enable it bring educational reforms.
Addressing a coordination meeting of education officers,organized by Sarva Shiksha bhiyan (SSA) Rajya Mission here,  Siram, however, admitted that many centrally sponsored flagship programmes were not properly implemented and urged the officers to make sure of their implementation.
The coordination meeting was held to chalk out strategy and action plan to bring educational reform and to achieve its goal in pursuit of quality education before the starting of next academic session.
On the shortage of the text books in the government schools, the minister directed the school authority to ensure that students return text books after the examination. 

He also expressed displeasure over the implementation of the mid-day-meal (MDM) in the state and stated that authority has to be cautious while distributing the MDM citing Bihar tragedy.

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