Single script to combine different lanuages

Updated on: Thursday, July 18, 2013

 Single Script to combine different languages


There are 22 official languages in India. 58 different languages are taught in schools in India.  News Papers are published in 87 languages. Nearly 12 scripts are used to communicate these languages.  It is not a surpassing thing, that this complex phenomena is a block to the communication system.
IIT (Mumbai) Professor Mr. Srinivas Chakravarthy has found one script namely Bharati as unified scripts. This can be learnt and practiced easily, he says.  According to him, any one who knows any one of the Indian scripts can learn Bharati script quickly and easily.  Bharathi follows vowels and consonants system of prevailing in most of the Indian languages.  His pattern combines the simplest features of several scripts to come up with a new one which is logical and simple.
English is arbitrary. As said by Chakravarthy, that there is no logic for letter formation as well as chronological arrangement. Why A should be as A, and B should written as B, why not in different form? In the same way there is no reason for the letter to be A and the last letter as Z.
But Indian (languages) scripts are logical.  But with no reason they are complicated. Chakravarthy sasy, that the language form of the alphabet that makes the sound ‘ah’ in the Devanagiri script is written by adding a vertical bar to produce sound ‘aah’. The language form of the letter marking the sound ‘e’ is written by adding a hook to make ‘ee’ sound.  These convention does not coming any reason and complex.
This attempt may bring all the languages, together. This attempt may put an end to the domination of English.  Also these efforts may bring our fear, that English may overtake other languages.
This may be useful to an average Indian who simply known only one of the Indian language.
The director of Central Institute of Indian languages in Mysore, Awadesh Kumar Misra welcomed this attempt, and the Technology Development for Indian language, programme of the culture communication and IT ministry is making the same effort to simplify human machine interaction with out language struggle.
The script ‘Bharati’ made by Chakravarthy has immediate application for signs, specifically at Tourist spots.  Bharati can be improved into an online system of hand writing recognition system for Indian languages on smart phones and PPA’s since it can be used to help improve better algorithms to combine all languages.

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