University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business relocating to Hong Kong to expand and strengthen its presence

Updated on: Thursday, July 11, 2013

The University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business will relocate its Asia Executive MBA Program from Singapore to Hong Kong in a move to expand and strengthen the school's presence and influence across the region.

"Beginning in 2014, Chicago Booth's award-winning faculty will begin teaching MBA classes at the new location to corporate and organizational leaders from across Asia, North America and Europe. Other programming, including research, entrepreneurship, remote teaching, custom executive training and alumni events, will expand to Hong Kong, even as activities continue in Singapore," says a statement released by the institution.

Robert J Zimmer, president of the University of Chicago, said, "Asia is a critical region to University of Chicago faculty, students and alumni, and the University brings its distinctive intellectual approach to the region in many ways." "By establishing programming in Hong Kong, Chicago Booth takes an important step in this growing engagement."

"Thanks to the success of our Asia program, Chicago Booth has built great momentum in Southeast Asia and developed a strong alumni base in the region," said Sunil Kumar, Chicago Booth dean and George Pratt Shultz Professor of Operations Management. "Expanding into Hong Kong allows us to have impact on future leaders in business and build new corporate relationships in North Asia as well, complementing our activities."

The expansion of Chicago Booth into Hong Kong reflects the school's strategy for Asia as it aims to deepen its global engagement and influence. It will take advantage of and contribute to the University of Chicago's overall engagement in Asia and expansion of many activities there. "It will allow Booth to influence some of the best organizations in some of the world's fastest-growing economies. The proximity to China, the world's second-largest economy, is particularly attractive," said Kumar. The University of Chicago opened a Center in Beijing in 2010, which has fostered collaborative work of faculty and students across the full range of the university with colleagues and institutions in China and beyond.

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