Short term course on the role of basic sciences in engineering education from Allahabad university

Updated on: Saturday, June 15, 2013

A short term course on the role of basic sciences in engineering education under self-financed category was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Allahabad, Prof A K Singh in the Seminar Hall of the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad on Thursday. He was of the opinion that the role of basic sciences in developing technologies is on increase but the development of these technologies should be simple. He compared the human eye with computer memory chip and gave the example of how Fuji Company in Japan developed the technology for identification by colours.

Prof P Chakrabarti, director of the institute presided over in the function.

He also outlined the role of science in the development of technologies. The one-week course will be attended by the faculty members of various engineering institutions of the country, research scholars and other engineering students.

The course has been jointly organised by the department of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics for the first time. More than 50 participants are attending this course which will be more interactive with hands-on laboratories techniques. Dr Manoj Kumar, Dr Tamal Ghosh and Dr Arvind Agarwal are coordinators for this course from three science department of the institute.

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