Jamia initiates votography

Updated on: Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New Delhi: The Photography Department of the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre at Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) will organise a weeklong event starting from this Friday named "votography" for youth to create awareness about Parliamentary elections to be held from mid April.

Imagery, street play, short film and multimedia installation will be used as a tool to awaken youth towards elections.

"We are planning to encourage youth to vote through this initiative, because youth comprises over 40 per cent of the voters in the country. The initiative will also present what the youth think of the polls," said Farhat Basir Khan, a professor of Media and Communication at MCRC.

Students will click pictures across the Capital capturing the election fever in the city.

Street play will also be performed by students using icons and symbols showing how the youth have the power to change the scenario around them.

A short film in the community around Jamia posing questions to the common people, particularly the youth, on whether they will vote; if not, then why; their expectations from the elections and politicians will also be shoot by students.

Multimedia installation comprising images and live videos as a culmination of all these activities will be put together by students.


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