WISE begins its global search for world?s top 30 young learners to join the Learners Voice programme

Updated on: Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Word Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) has begun its global search for the world’s top 30 young learners (aged 18 to 25) from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to join the Learners’ Voice programme. The deadline for nominations and applications is June 25.
Now in its fourth year, the programme is one of WISE’s most important global education initiatives. It brings the views of students to the task of rethinking education. A selected group of young learners will play an active role in the summit and will have the opportunity to participate in several WISE activities throughout the year.
In 2012, 30 students from 24 countries were selected from hundreds of applications and nominations. In addition to participating in the annual WISE Summit in Doha, the 2012 learners are currently taking part in a year-long executive education programme that combines online sessions, practical workshops and project-based work. They have also attended a selection of high-profile conferences and events, including the Asian Youth Forum in New Delhi, India, and Empower 2013, ROTA’s Annual Youth Conference on Leadership, Service Learning and Global Citizenship in Doha, Qatar.
Students and recent graduates can either apply personally or be nominated by representatives of institutions, organisations, programmes and networks.  Applicants and nominees must be between 18 and 25 years old. Participants should be currently enrolled in (or recently graduated from) a course of study at a recognised college, university or training programme and be willing to contribute their time to the programme throughout the year.
The official nomination or application forms can be downloaded from
For more information, visit http://learnersvoice.tumblr.com/

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