Uniformity in working days of Schools

Updated on: Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 Uniformity in Number of Working days

These are all the days we are talking about the common syllabus in the school throught out the country.  Steps are being taken to narrow this problem and the efforts stated giving fruitful results slowly.  students and parents are tasting the benefits of uniformity in syllabus even though  this mission has a long way to go with.
But, un uniformity in the Number of Working days is a surprising news!.
An NCERT Reports says that only half the state are following the National Curriculam Frame work (NCF) and as a result there are variables in the number of working days, time allotted for teaching subjects and learning levesl.
Even the number of wroking days varies.  in Manipur students are going to school for 160 days while the students of Bihar and Jharkhand attends schools for 253 days in a year.
In the same way the number of lecturers in various subject ranges from 19 in Madhya Pradesh to 54 in Arunachala Pradesh and Haryana.
Of course, these are few of known varieties. In the country a lot of hidden varieties has to be exposed and steps have to be taken to sort it out.

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