Harvard Business School to host an executive education program

Updated on: Friday, May 17, 2013

Harvard Business School (HBS) will host an executive education program, Improving Corporate Performance and Profitability - India, from May 27 to 30, 2013 at the HBS classroom, Taj Lands End, Mumbai. It is designed for senior financial executives in large established companies who are responsible for creating systems to monitor and improve enterprise performance. This program is suited for senior executives with planning, control, and accounting responsibilities, presents an integrated framework for creating corporate value, improving enterprise performance, and expanding market share across Asia and the globe.

"This leadership development program explores the critical connections between business strategy, performance measurement, management accountability, organizational design, and corporate governance." said VG Narayanan, Thomas Casserly, Jr professor of Business Administration at HBS and faculty chair of Improving Corporate Performance and Profitability—India. "As India's business environment continues to evolve, HBS continues to expand its ability to explore groundbreaking best practices, share its time-honored teaching methods with new audiences, and bring its global research to bear on the challenges facing executives doing business in the region."

Improving Corporate Performance and Profitability—India explores the diverse strategies that winning companies use to create value and manage risk. The participants will learn how to manage operational and strategic risks and implement performance evaluation systems that drive results.

"The program presents an opportunity for organizations to maintain a strategic advantage in this highly competitive region. In a dynamic market like India, business leaders must have the financial tools to translate their corporate mission into performance targets and align their organization in pursuit of those goals." said Paul M Healy, James R Williston Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Research at the HBS and faculty member of improving corporate performance and Profitability—India. As with all HBS Executive Education programs, the India portfolio will be taught by members of the School's own full-time faculty using the HBS case method. Faculty lectures, panel discussions, and assessment tools will create a dynamic learning environment that emphasizes participation with a diverse group of peers. Senior executives from various industries and countries will enjoy an interactive experience that extends the learning process through personal and professional networks long after the conclusion of the program.

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