Research should be based on making use of minimum resource to get the desired output says VP Tata Steel

Updated on: Monday, May 13, 2013

Vice President (RM & CSI) of Tata Steel Partha Sengupta said research should be based on making use of minimum resource to get the desired output with focus on working in the areas of waste utilisation, environmental friendly technology.

Delivering the National Technology Day lecture at National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Sengupta said economic background needed to be understood for research and technological development as the economy of the world will look more flatter in the next 20-30 years, according to a press release issued by NML.

While the developed economy was expected to grow at 2 per cent, the developing economy expected a 4 per cent growth, he said adding that India, being a developing country, needed to be ready not only as a consumer of technology but also the developer of technology and the engineering practices must find a way to work with the nature.

Emphasizing on the global issues relating to technology and human welfare, S Srikanth, Director, NML highlighted on the importance of technology in our day to day life and also society as a whole.

I Chattoraj, Head, Business Development, said NML has achieved significant milestones in the last financial year.

The growing importance of industrial and technological research was manifest in the fact that more than 60 per cent of its earnings in 2012-13 was from industrial projects, he said.

In the preceding financial year, NML developed 18 technologies and know how, filed 33 patents, and was granted 8 patents in diverse fields and was able to license a number of technologies.

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