Origin of Languages

Updated on: Sunday, May 12, 2013

Origin of Languages are always a subject of interest. It is the question of Prestige and privilege that one should have affinity towards his own mother tongue.

It is analysed in a Research, Ian sample of Guardian Newspapers limited says. The languages spoken by the people of Europe and Asia are descended from an ancient language in southern Europe at the end of last ICE AGE.

This interesting article of Ian sample is worth to be discussed to know lot of origin of languages. According to research, common origin for Vocabularies as varied English and Urdu, Japanese and Italian. This is a language spoken along the north Eastern side of  Russia . The ancestral language was spoken 15000 years ago A group of seven languages are called by scientists a) super family the languages belonging to this family split into many languages only these languages are spoken in Eurasia from Portugal to Siberia.

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