CBSE asks all its affiliated schools to conduct atleast one teacher training programme every year

Updated on: Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked its affiliated schools to conduct at least one teacher training programme each year. However these programmes can be conducted in association only with agencies that are recognized by the state government or by the board itself.

UC Bodh, deputy secretary (Affiliation), wrote, "The board has identified and empanelled several agencies for the in-service training programme for the teachers on various aspects of CCE and for the 'Effective School Management and Leadership' programme in order to meet the training requirements of its affiliated schools. These agencies would be conducting these programmes at a very nominal cost. List of these agencies alongwith the areas of training is available on the CBSE academic web site."

This directive has come after the CBSE modified its affiliation bye-law and included a clause on teacher training.

Rule 3.3 h (vi) prescribes that "every school should organize at least one week training programme for teachers every year in association with any teachers training institute recognized by the state or central government or by any agency identified by the board".

The CBSE has warned that this directive of its must be taken very seriously. Bodh writes that "the above provisions of affiliation bye-laws have to be adhered by each affiliated school scrupulously otherwise appropriate action will be initiated".

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