Many youngsters struggle hard to communicate through English hindering growth in attaining a lucrative career

Updated on: Monday, May 06, 2013

In the present scenario, although, many youngsters easily graduate with a degree in Engineering or MBA, but struggle hard to communicate through English hindering growth in attaining a lucrative career.

According to Debbie Westcott, founder, The Immaculate centre for spoken English, many highly talented youngsters have failed to attain a career pinnacle due to lack of proper communication through English. Just, a fairly reasonable strength in English could have facilitated them to take their careers to greater heights.

With over 15 years experience in the field of English language training, Debbie, emphasizes novel methods to assist her wards attain basic proficiency in English with less importance to conventional method of teaching reading first, then writing, listening and last of all speaking. Instead, draws more time towards training to speak in English.

She says, "When you hear a new word, try to find its usage and its antonyms. Learn new words every day and use them as a part of your conversation with people".

The language trainer accentuates that after attaining basic spoken skills advanced grammar topics can be acquired. Rudimentary topics in grammar that every learner initially should be thorough with to speak fundamental English flawlessly are Subject, Predicate, Verb and Article.

"Importance and use of English keeps growing all over the world. To achieve success in your career as well as life, a certain amount of proficiency in English is considered a must. Spoken English is quite different from the kind of English you learnt at school or college", says Debbie Westcott.

Everyday, spend an hour watching English news channels. This is one of the most effective ways of improving your comprehension. Developing and constantly working on your English speaking skills will help you communicate more easily and effectively, she says.

She further goes on to say that though today there are number of English medium schools, students are unable to converse in English because the teachers themselves do not emphasize the importance of English and instead have an English learning session at the English Laboratories in schools which prove to be of very little usage to the student community. More shocking is that even the colleges have English Labs where plenty of software materials are available to learn English, but little is learnt and end of the day they are unable to converse in the language.

To close, she says that teachers should make students understand that language learning does not take place in ten or twenty days time, but it takes six months to master the language to a certain level.

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