UGC to set up 3 new centres of studies in Allahabad for Gandhi Nehru and Dr Ambedkar

Updated on: Thursday, April 25, 2013

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to set up three new centres of studies under which two Nehru Studies Centres would be set up at Allahabad University and at Kanpur University's MahilaSevaSadan Degree College, located in New Baihrana.

UGC has also sanctioned setting up of Dr Ambedkar Studies Centre at AU's Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute (GBPSSI) in Jhunsi.

Each new centre will get Rs 3 lakh as non-recurring grant and Rs 7.5 lakh as recurring grant. For setting up of these three centres, which would be set up under the scheme of EPOCH making social thinkers of India, UGC would be extending financial assistance to the universities and colleges for pursuing studies related to the thoughts and programmes of great Indian leaders. The assistance to the universities is on the basis of selection among the applications for the establishment and the work of the Centre of Buddhist, Gandhian, Nehru and Ambedkar studies.

These centres would be entrusted with the task of conducting studies, research and running extension programmes, which are pertinent and apply ideas of these great minds in the reconstruction of society on moral, ethical and spiritual foundations necessary for a non-violent social order.

Proposal for setting up of these three new centres was cleared by UGC's expert committee in February last. UGC panel, however, rejected the proposal of Allahabad Degree College which, too, had applied for setting up a Gandhian Studies Centre.

AU already has an Institute of Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies that carries research in varied aspects of Gandhian ideology and principles.

With setting up of these three new centres, Allahabad will now have dedicated centres for carrying out research, offering courses and holding events like seminars and symposium on ideology, contribution and principles of three of the greatest Indians ever: Gandhi, Nehru and Dr Ambedkar.

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