US Consulate takes part in Earth Day celebration

Updated on: Thursday, April 25, 2013

US Consulate actively involved in several events to celebrate the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day.

In association with John Joseph Foundation and American International School, Chennai (AISC), U.S. Consulate General, Chennai organized a Community Project  Earth Day and Beyond at Narikuravar Colony, Thamaraipakkam Junction, Marumalarchi Nagar, Amanambakkam Post, Thiruvalluvar Taluk & District on Sunday April 21, to celebrate World Earth Day (which is celebrated on April 22).

U.S. Consulate General, Chennai General Service Officer Kris Arvind said, " Our focus was creating awareness on basic hygiene and environmental cleanliness. Having young students from the International school participate in the various activities (painting the toilets, planting trees) and interacting with the village children proved to be very successful."

The integrated team from staff of US Consulate, Chennai, students of American International School, Chennai and volunteers of John Joseph Foundation carried out several programmes like:

 Construction and painting of four toilets

 Assembled and installed two washing stations (TippyTaps)

 Educated community children/adults on hand-washing best practices

 Planted 6 trees (carefully selected to endure the harsh/local conditions) and turned over ownership to households (thereby, enduring their survival beyond this weekend)

 Completed some/minimal environmental clean-up

 Engaged with the community through games; face painting; and art competition for the younger children.

 Gifted the children with clothes, shoes, toys (courtesy, AISC students and others)

On April 22, 2013, more than one billion people across the globe participated in the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day.

Diverse communities spanning the earth voiced their concerns for the planet, and vowed to protect the earth.

In Chennai, Public Affairs Officer David Gainer joined more than 350 school and colleges students, environmental activists, professionals and members of the general public in an Eco Rally to mark Earth Day at Marina Beach. The Eco Rally, which was organized by Youth ExNoRa International and the U.S. Consulate General, Chennai, raised awareness about the effects of climate change on the environment.

"All of us are already feeling the impacts of climate change, “ unnatural weather patterns resulting in droughts, floods, rising temperatures, as well as disappearing mammal, reptile and bird species. These are just a few examples of distress to individuals, communities and nations caused by climate change. The United States of America, just like India, recognizes these increasing dangers and the inadequacy of the global response required for a more focused and urgent initiative. The success of future generations depends upon how we act today. As we reflect on the impact of climate change today, let us embrace our commitment as individuals and countries to the generations yet to come by leaving them a planet which is green, clean and abundant," Public Affairs Officer David Gainer said.

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